The First Step Is Always The Hardest

I know, I know, I'm a bit too late for New Years Resolutions, I guess I'll just have to wait until next year!!

Nope, that is most certainly not happening, my recovery starts here!

And yes, I used to word recovery when talking about a chronic illness and I suppose some people are now thinking something like:
'Isn't this meant to be forever?'
'How can you 'recover' from something that is chronic, you'll always have it' 
And yes, technically chronic illness is something long term. However, I believe that the symptoms that I have described don't have to be forever, however I do have a choice to make now...

Option 1 - Do I approach this with a fixed mind and a strong will, determined to experience a reduction in pain and expecting to recover...?
Option 2 - Do I accept that these symptoms are forever and that I will always be in pain and suffering and allow myself to sit back and watch my life unfold, unable to do anything about what happens next...?

Well, I can tell you that I was definitely the second option at first. Of course I don't want pain but maybe at first I didn't quite understand that it was my choice or maybe I didn't think I had the determination to do it. Either way, I've changed my mind! The first option is definitely the most appealing to me and now, I am more determined than ever before.

I've realised that this journey is actually pretty similar to many other aspects of my life. I've always had a strong work ethic and been determined to succeed. Whether that was in my school work or getting the job that I wanted, I seemed to always push for what I wanted. So my question was: Why can't I apply this to my health?

The answer? There is no reason!! And what great news this is to me because I've been wishing this pain wasn't here and now instead of wishing, I can get excited for when I begin to see myself improve and recover.


Yes, I know, these things always come with a 'but' and isn't it so annoying?! Anyway, where was I... Oh yes...


This journey won't just take my determination, it'll take all my energy and probably everything within me. It will involve changing my daily routine, the way I use my time, the food I eat and pretty much everything else about my life.

Up until now, my posts have been quite descriptive. I've told you about the ins and outs of my illness, how it affects my life and even told you a few stories to fill you in on my medical history!

But now, my posts will be telling you about my recovery. Topics will include everything from food and exercise, to what I get up to throughout the day. To be honest, posts could be about anything, as long as it's to do with my life as a recovering fibromyalgia sufferer.

So, that's it for now, but do continue to follow my journey, it's going to be a tough, possibly long but exciting journey and I'm so glad that I can share it with all of you! Posts will still go live every Friday evening and you can subscribe below for email notifications!

I've taken the first step and it's only up from here...

Thank you all,